A program recognized by the Swiss federal government (SERI )

EHL Swiss School of Tourism & Hospitality was the first hotel management school to offer the Swiss Professional Degree “Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in Hospitality Management” both in German and English to become certified Hoteliere-Gastronomin/Hotelier Gastronom HF, which are recognized by the Swiss Confederation.



Our Professional school, the EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality (EHL Passugg) is located on the EHL Campus Passugg, and is a C2Q accredited member of the internationally renowned THE-ICE (International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education) quality label for tourism and hospitality education. 

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EHL Swiss School of Tourism & Hospitality is part of EHL Group and a member of HotellerieSuisse, which has over 3,000 industry members.
