Our Alumni Network

Our alumni network is spread all over the world. EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality in Passugg has over 6,000 alumni and EHL Hospitality Group has over 25,000 alumni. The network is central to our community and our close ties with the industry. Many members recruit interns and graduates from our Hotel Management School and offer support to our students to open exciting career opportunities around the world.

Graduates of EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality automatically join the EHL Alumni Network. EHL has longstanding traditions in hospitality education and enjoys an excellent reputation throughout the industry. This tradition of excellence is due to the dedication and ambition of our alumni, who form the strongest and most active professional hospitality network of any hotel school in the world. 

  • EHL alumni members can be found in 150 countries on 5 continents
  • There are 70 alumni chapters (known as "tribes") around the world
  • Over 300 events and gatherings each year

We encourage all EHL alumni to connect regularly with the AEHL network to keep up to date on regional events and meetings, find interesting job and collaboration opportunities, or share news and insights about the industry.

“We all carry the values of respect, integration, professionalism, passion and cordiality into the world and we are proud to be EHL Swiss School of Tourism & Hospitality Alumni.”

How to join us

As a member of the EHL Alumni Network, you become part of our unique community of hospitality professionals and entrepreneurs worldwide and remain an integral part of the EHL Group community for life. You can get involved and share ideas or opportunities with your EHL friends around the world by logging on to our website.

Also join our groups on Facebook and LinkedIn on social media to stay in touch and get the latest information.


EHL Alumni Benefits

As a member of the EHL alumni network, you have numerous benefits for your professional and personal life. When travelling for business or pleasure, you will be sure to find an EHL friend somewhere close-by, anywhere in the world.

You will also find a warm welcome whenever you return to your School. As an EHL alumni, you will benefit from a 20% discount on tuition for our MBA and online certificates, as well as on meals at our gastronomic restaurant, Le Berceau des Sens and our other F&B Outlets. You will also have access to our job platform.

Alumni are not outside of the EHL Group; They are a real part of us.


Candidate Finder's Fee

As an alumni member, you can support EHL Passugg and help grow our family by successfully referring candidates to the programs at EHL Passugg. We offer a Finder's Fee worth CHF 500.- for every successful recommendation.

Come back to your Campus!

Whenever you would like to return to our school for a visit or class reunion, we will offer you a warm welcome! We invite you to come back from time to time to see the latest changes and relive the unforgettable moments of your EHL Passugg experience.

Hiring interns & Job opportunities

Would you like to give an EHL Passugg student the opportunity for an internship in your company? Or do you have a vacant position to fill? We are always looking for suitable positions for our community and we invite you to get in touch with the Career Services Team to discuss your needs.

Alumni Testimonials


Earn your EHL bachelor’s degree

With an HF diploma from EHL Passugg, you can obtain an EHL Bachelor in just 3 semesters. With your GFG or HoKo degree, you can enter the HF and finish with the EHL Bachelor within 3.5 (or 4) years.

Swiss nationals may be eligible for a scholarship from the Tschumi fund.


Upgrade your Hotel Management Skills

Designed for hospitality professionals, EHL’s online courses build and strengthen management skills to perform in today’s hospitality industry.

EHL Passugg alumni get a preferred price on individual certificates and on advanced certificates.

Get in touch with us

Our dedicated team for the alumni network and career services is available to you for any questions or opportunities you would like to discuss.

Alumni Stories